5 Reasons People Tend to Overeat

Binge Eating Disorder - HelpGuide.org

You can’t blame people who overeat because food is everything. Food is joy and happiness. The fantastic taste of food and its smell is enough for you to fall in love.

People assume that everyone stops eating when they feel full, but that isn’t always the case. Apart from how great food tastes, there are loads of other reasons why a person overeats.  Here are five reasons a person tends to overeat without realizing it.

1.     Increased portion size

portion size has a direct relationship with overeating. The more the food on your plate or the more significantly larger the size of your plate, the more food you consume. For some people, it is an unspoken rule to finish whatever is on their plate, and it’s natural just to finish whatever is on their plate, causing them to overeat without even realizing it. On Collected.Reviews, you can read customer reviews and opinions on overeating and how to avoid it.

2.     Variety of foods

Having a variety of foods on your plate will cause you to eat more. While eating, people tend to get used to the taste of food, making it less pleasurable and causes them to stop eating. However, when there’s a variety of foods on your plate, it takes a longer time to get used to the food; you tend to enjoy the food for more extended periods, causing you to overeat. Although nutritionally, it is beneficial to eat foods from different sources, you should be wary of overeating.

3.     Presence of distractions

If you tend to do other things while eating, like watching television, seeing a movie, or going through your social media, it’ll naturally interfere with your eating mechanisms, making it longer for you to feel full, so you eat more. While you’re distracted, you’re less aware of what you’re putting into your mouth, making you consume more food than normal as it disrupts the memory of you eating, which makes it more likely for you to eat more later in the day.

4.     Consuming alcohol

There are various reasons alcohol increases the likelihood of you eating a lot, such as a disruption in self-control and a need to eat on impulse. It disrupts the body’s interoception ability, causing overeating, leading to overweight or obesity, increasing the risk of having diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses.

5.     Eating with other people

The likelihood of you overeating increases when you eat with other people. This is due to the close relationships and connections with other people, i.e., a social effect- using other people’s eating behavior to determine personal eating habits; this can lead to overeating.

Final Notes

In conclusion, overeating is caused by several factors, including bad habits like overconsumption of alcohol, doing other things while eating, social interactions with other people, increased portion size, or plate size. Various ways to combat overeating include attentive eating without distractions and eating smaller portions of food (portion control), and controlling your intake or consumption of alcohol and other recreational substances.… Read More...